Dear Vega Sailor,It’s time for the final registration.We look forward to seeing you and your crew in SønderborgIf you have any questions, please visit...

Spring 2024 update

Some exciting news: The official invitation to IFR 2024 has been published Some updates that affects the areas of VODA, photos and documents for the library, but also new functions for database searches. Have a nice sailing season and don’t forget to register...

Spring 2023 update

We are preparing some updates: the overdue VODA meeting took place during the IFR in Hoorn. The board and the representatives of the national clubs were newly elected. As soon as the minutes of the decisions are consolidated, we look forward to publish all the data...

Easter Update

We’ve finished some important features: Registered users can decide whether the “Owner” field will be hidden or displayed on the Ships detail page.The default is “hidden” and we also updated all entries that were migrated from the old...

Database migrated

The content of the ‘old’ Vega Database has been imported. Nearly 500 records.Still some work to do, but that’s a good...