Welcome to the Albin Vega Directory


Learn more about VODA and discover photo galleries of the international Vega meetings.


Browse our rich repository of technical and various other documents.


Discover the largest worldwide database of Albin Vegas. You are welcome to register your Vega here as well.

Invitation to Sønderborg, Denmark, 16.7 - 21.7.


Dear Vega Sailors

It is with great pleasure that the Danish Vega Club can invite you to the IFR (International Friend Ship Regatta)  by instigation off VODA (Vega One Design Association). This event will be the 28th since 1974.

This will take place in the summer of 2024, week 29 from Tuesday 16 July to and including Sunday 21 July.

The place chosen is Sønderborg yacht club.

Here you will have the opportunity to meet and experience Vega Sailors from near and far.

Our sister clubs can be very active, Sweden, Germany and Holland count among them.

This invitation applies to all Vega owners and one from Spain and two from the Netherlands, already notified of their arrival.

There will be racing, a rally at sea, trips to the fanatical local experiences, shared meals and not least a grand Gala dinner on Saturday evening plus other surprises. There will be plenty of opportunity to get to know other sailors who have the same passion. Let your Vega heart guide you to a serious week of Vega fun.

A special website has been set up, here you can make an advance commitment, final registration will be in March. An advance commitment is important for our planning.

The home page is IFR2024.dk

We would be delighted to see you there.

Camping is less than 100 meters from the port, motorhomes have an option 50 meters from the port.

There is no excuse not to participate.

With best regards Danish Vega Club

IFR 2022 Logo

Upcoming Event: IFR 2024 in Denmark


The IFR (International Friendship Regatta) is an event that takes place every two years.
Vega sailors from all over the world meet to sail, party and have a good time together for a week.

The next IFR will take place in Denmark in summer 2024.

As soon as there is more information about the IFR 2024, we will publish it here.
Stay tuned.

What's new?


Dear Vega Sailor,
It’s time for the final registration.
We look forward to seeing you and your crew in Sønderborg
If you have any questions, please visit https://ifr2024.dk

Spring 2024 update

Some exciting news:

  • The official invitation to IFR 2024 has been published
  • Some updates that affects the areas of VODA, photos and documents for the library, but also new functions for database searches.

Have a nice sailing season and don’t forget to register your Albin Vega!

Spring 2023 update

We are preparing some updates:

  • the overdue VODA meeting took place during the IFR in Hoorn. The board and the representatives of the national clubs were newly elected. As soon as the minutes of the decisions are consolidated, we look forward to publish all the data here.
  • there will also be a report and great photos from the IFR in Hoorn.
  • last but not least, we have some technical innovations up our sleeve that didn’t make it onto the site last year.

Easter Update

We’ve finished some important features:

  • Registered users can decide whether the “Owner” field will be hidden or displayed on the Ships detail page.
    The default is “hidden” and we also updated all entries that were migrated from the old Vega database for the Owner names to be hidden. This may be more safe in terms of GDPR.
  • Now there’s a picture counter. Since user may upload up to ten images, such a counter may be useful because it can be used for sorting.
  • We have a reCAPTCHA security mechanism to avoid unwanted mails.
  • We added a “Contact Owner” Button at the bottom of every database detail page.
    This is how we protect all email addresses from misuse.

Database migrated

The content of the ‘old’ Vega Database has been imported. Nearly 500 records.
Still some work to do, but that’s a good start.

Frequently Asked Questions

Hidden Tab
Who runs this site and what is it for?

This site is operated by VODA. The goal is to collect and make available all possible information about the Albin Vega.
The site is free to use and always will be.

It doesn’t matter whether you own a Vega or are a member of one of the Vega clubs.
Everyone who is interested in Albin Vega is welcome!

I have questions, comments, material to upload or suggestions for improvement.

Feel free to send us an email using the contact form, we look forward to every suggestion.

If you have material for the library or images to share, we will contact you as soon as possible and arrange a way to hand over the material.