About VODA

VODA stands for “Vega One Design Association” and is a union of the national European Vega clubs.
It was founded in 1974 and is the governing body of Vega Racing.
Every two years VODA puts on an International Friendly Regatta and invites one of the five four European Clubs to be the host nation.
The last IFR took place in the Netherlands 2022 and the next one will be in Denmark in 2024.

These events are very popular among the Vega community, as they not only mean sporting tests of strength but also a lot of joy and a good time with like-minded people.
The first President of VODA was Lars Lemby of Sweden and the first Secretary was Jan Vis of Holland.
Together they guided Vega Racing through seventeen regattas and twenty-three years until Lars retired in 1997 and Jan Vis sadly passed away in 1999.
The board and the national representatives are re-elected at every VODA general meeting that takes place at every IFR, i.e. every two years.

The regattas at the IFR events are known as the “Olympics” of the Vegas.
The Vegas race on equal terms in either of three classes, Racing, Cruising or Touring.
The host nation decides how many races there are for each class and they administer the racing, under international rules but incorporating any specific Vega Rules.
At every Regatta, which lasts about two or three days, there is a VODA Meeting where all participating nations can vote on any changes to Vega Rules.
The number of votes per nation is dependant on the number of members in its club (every 50 members = 1 Vote).
Each club has a VODA Representative (see below).
VODA Officers & Representatives
(last election from IFR 2022 in Hoorn, NL)
Due to security reasons we do not publish email addresses.
If you want to get in touch with someone, drop us a note via Contact Form.
Officer | Name | Country |
President | Robert Hansen | Denmark |
Secretary | Bo Mejner | Sweden |
Representative | Søren Nerup, Niels Engell | Denmark |
Representative | Iteke van Balen, Lodewijk Cornelissen | Netherlands |
Representative | Peter Berka | Germany |
Representative | n.a. | United Kingdom |
Hon. Life President | Lars Lemby | Sweden |